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The Opposite of Hiding

Is more than just a book. It's my daily choice to fully LIVE!!!!  Vibrantly, passionately and intentionally.


My book is not just about plant medicine, suicide prevention, peer counseling and being the daughter of a Holocaust survivor. It also documents my journey of how I learned to forgive my parents,  heal my fractured soul and become my true self - despite years of trauma, depression, PTSD and anxiety - by finally forgiving me.


I also talk  about the tools, resources, support and love I had along the way. 


If you want to know how I transformed my life, read my book and follow the ongoing story in my blog.

I was interviewed by the talented and lovely Hilary DeCesare as interview practice for podcasts. In the interview I talk about my writer's journey and about the key messages in the book.

These are a few of the photos of myself  over the past 10 years that I used to track the changes in my demeanor and weight. All great indicators for me of my mental health. It is easy for me to look back now and see clearly when I was depressed.

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